Why is it a preview ? I just got the watch and next day I got to update it for more complete functions and to get some bug fixes. In the next upcoming few months the Suunto team will work on all kind of new and already existing but non-present details to add to the watch.
What I can say at this moment, that it is comfortable, the functions what are on the watch work bug free, the website is more stable on windows than on MAC and the updates are also going to be probably more safely installed on Windows at this moment.
However it will be on a high end Windows or MAC computer! Don't even think about using on any old generation PC, it won't work. No XP, NT, 98, Live, but starting at Windows 7 and OSX 10.10 or higher.
The movescount.com website is the most stable on Chrome ! I tried with Firefox and Safari and while it works fine, it might bug here and there and gotto refresh the page ! All these new softwares will be optimised in the future for all platforms. Patience !
The 1.0.18 firmware is already updated to 1.1.24
- Possibility to answer upcoming phone calls on the watch
- Multisport support for selecting a new sport mode during training
- Triathlon sport mode to support swim-t1-bike-t2-run sequence
- Favorite modes shown when starting exercise with an option to select other modes
- All sport modes updated to show the most relevant values
- New sport modes e.g. running with power, running on track, interval mode for cycling etc.
- Vertical speed values available in selected sport modes
- Breadcrumb view shown in modes where GPS is used
- New activities: obstacle racing
- Summary displays autolaps/manuals laps which can be browsed
- Summary doesn’t show laps if those weren’t used
- Multisport has some activity specific values
- Better visual look and feel for displays during sport
- Move type (i.e. race, interval) stored based on the sport mode type
- Touch enabled for interactions to go back and forth in various displays
- Several bug fixes and performance improvements
Running and cycling test
I had one single run and one ride. Both went well and honestly, the GPS reception is epic ! Takes like 1 second and off you go. Both times it happened ! At this moment the sport screens are fix ( no possibilities to change anything ! ) , but will be able to add your own sport mode in the future with customised datafields (hopefully).
Yesterday's evening bike ride was a success. The Spartan got the same result as the EDGE 800. This is very impressive to see. Not only to judge the Spartan or the Edge, but to know that the devices are reliable. 20.32 vs 20.33km !
The movescount link for the move: http://www.movescount.com/moves/move118836003
The same route on openrunner, by using a hand created (no auto-follow routes) route is very similar in distance, so I suppose it is just as accurate as it needs to be. In both cases actually ! |
There is an interesting heat map function, what will be showing the most frequented routes of cycling:
The red parts are the routes taken by other cyclist !
Here you go a small introduction to some basic features on Youtube :
Some Initial Photos