...and why don't I need it ? This is the question.
There are a lot of health gurus talking and praising about meditation, mind altering state of empty consciousness, goal setting and visualising. The benefits of this can be huge and also scientifically proven to increase positive human charge and to imprint constructive habits.
Well, I am an athlete. A runner. It is my identity. I am a messenger of movement and health. Running fast, moving efficiently between rocks and roots, scrambling or bombing downhill on neck-breaking slopes. While many of you might do these kind if things and enjoy it, you might stil not say that this is your purpose.
When I am inside my activity, fun time, passion, life...I am transcended. I am in a meditative state. My mind can have 2 actual positions. One is very very present and engaged to provide an enormous consciousness spike about how my body moves in the surroundings and no other thoughts or doubts are there. This can be the case on a serious technical downhill and this is why I always take of my sunglasses and turn my hat or visor backwards. I fasten my shoelaces and my backpack straps and I take off my earplugs if I listened to some podcast during warming up.
The second is when I am on non-technical flat or uphill trails. My mind is just empty, I do not even focus on breathing anymore as it just functions perfectly, deeply from my diaphragm. My stride is perfect, my vision is clear, I am in a flow state of mind and movement.
About the visualisation and the non-running mind. I also do very focused mobility and core workouts. When I really want to be focusing on one particular session, there is no music, no podcast, no electricity, no wifi, no phone, just me. I am so tuned in that, when my wife enters the house and start talking to me, I do not even realise, I do not hear it. I am in my moves, my contracted muscles, I am present, but not present in the environment, but inside me. It sounds woh woh , but this is nothing special, just high focus. I am not seeing blue circles or opening a third eye on my forehead. I might see myself with a thick iron belt around my waist representing my core or see my ankles, knees and hips having Chris King bearings with lifetime warranty. Sometimes I am so focused, that doing a 15minutes pilates session exhausts me as much as 3hours of running, with muscles bulging, veins are popping out and pant like a dog on a hot day, while lying on the ground in sweat.
Either ways, my mind gets into a very much turned off state, but also into a super high, in the present consciousness every single day. I just do not need to get into lotus, turn on music and think or clear my thoughts. I never feel lost, without a goal with no purpose and my meditative states are actually not there to create these. More likely to reinforce my already ingrained high dreams.
Ask any high level cyclist, that they are meditating or not ? Then try riding for 5hours in heat and cold and rain and fog, while hitting a 10minute climb, a 20minute and a 1hour climb all in the red zone, then get on those sketchy and scary downhills, riding them up to and over 100km/h on a pair of 700x23c 120psi tyres. You are present as !!! When you finish your training or race, after decades of training of course, your body gets a little tired, but can bounce back fast; but your mind is just exhausted. Tour de France riders are smoked in their mind and mental presence after the completion of all the stages. It feels like your mind is over-meditated and you are there but your mind is turned off.
So I think, meditation is great, but not for everybody. You should not force yourself to meditate. It has to come. Your willingness to find a higher entity and better mental 'present or disconnect' has to be there. I am not looking for this as I have it, I sleep well, I adventure well and I use my body as I want. I read and listen to interesting stuff all the time and my mind handles this information flow very well. My attitude towards peers and family is great, I have knowledge of my tone and behaviour and have responsibility for all of my actions.
I am not rich, I am not a hero, I am not well known, I am more likely hidden and self reliant. I am not a big champion of any kind, I am not the best in anything, I am not acting as a guru or so, I did not open a big enterprise to make tons of money or became the director of an IT company.
However, I feel very very successful. 100 % !!! Why ? Because of my will power, my attitude towards change and to try new things. My force to go and do stuff, what most humans completely neglect. My energy to sustain a lifestyle and to not degrade and deteriorate it. My habit to not fall into any kind of unchangeable habits and to ingrain positive ones into my lifestyle. I like and enforce long term attitudes and long term habits. This is very important. When I decide to do something, regardless it is training, life, work, relationship, I ask the question : How is this sustainable and if not, how can I make it sustainable ?
I don't say I will never meditate, but since I found my pure joy in human outdoor movement, I am not looking for gigantic answers anymore. I found what is important for me and this is what makes my environment a better place. It resonates with all, in contact with me.