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Auto-immune disease thoughts

What is an autoimmune disease ? 
    Your body's immune system protects you from disease and infection. But if you have an autoimmune disease, your immune system attacks healthy cells in your body by mistake. Autoimmune diseases can affect many parts of the body. No one is sure what causes autoimmune diseases. (this is what google says)
That is what you can find on the internet and the most interesting part is the last sentence : No one is sure what causes autoimmune diseases ! 

It is 2016 and we still don't know what causes it ? Or we are just so freckin' scared to say something because there is no research based concrete evidence ? Or scared to hurt feelings of others ? Maybe the business oriented healthcare system is blocking all the information and undermining lifestyle based studies ? 

What should doctors say to their clients  ?

1.You have diabetes, because you eat shyte all thay long, every 2 hours in the last 25years, you watch 2 hours of TV and play 3hours of video games while drinking soda and you move about 4 x 10m a day to walk to your car and back, but now it is even less, cause you don't fit in the car anymore ! 
Your genetics and your mother's and grandmother's diabetes have nothing to do with this, cause they eat the same, they live the same, they move the same and they are the same obese as you are. 
Forget about gastric bypass or insulin ! Do a freckin' 180° lifestyle change, about eating right, hydrating right, sell your TV and Video games and start moving your flabby ass ! You'll be badly suffering during your health journey in the next 5 to 6 months or so, but afterwards you might have a normal life if you kept up with the good habits and compared to the last bad 25 years, you might regain your perfect health in 10 ! 

2.You got eczema, because you work in a pub every night, alcohol is spilling on you all night long, people are smoking around you, the air is filled with over heated carcinogen oil vapour, there are no windows and there are flashing lights and loud music all night long. In addition your sarcadian rhythm is messed up cause you sleep during the day. 
Your skin is never actually exposed to fresh air, sunlight or fresh/sea water ! You do not breathe properly and you don't even use proper skin care products from nature.
What to do darling ? Change freckin' job and stop complaining ! 
This is the only thing you can do  ? Be sure that medication won't help you, life is hard baby, but unless you change job, you just treat symptoms and do nothing with the root cause ! 

3. You catch cold often, you are sick and feeling tired, get itchy and have serious migraine type headaches for years, allergic reactions to pollen, dust, cathair, despite regular sport, perfect nutrition and hydration, early and long sleep. 
However when you are on holidays, you have no issues at all. 
You live in an apartment what is full of dirt despite you clean it properly 2 times a week. Your water tubing is rotting on the inside so you have very high levels of toxic metals in your body, not only from drinking but from showers, brushing your teeth, washing your clothes and dishes. You got a newly painted bedroom, it is true and you used the best quality paint too, however there is a thick layer of very toxic mold all over your wall on the outer side. You don't realize that it is not normal, that fresh fruits and veggies exposed outside of the fridge, go moldy in just a couple of days. 
Also, as you live tidy and spend significant time in your apartment, you cannot see, but cockroaches are present as we can see from many droppings in hidden places, like under cupboards, between wooden instalments and so. 
You want to get your health back ? Well you can do 2 things ! Pay a million to renew the whole building of 50 apartments or sell it and rent something else until you get back your health. The longer you stay, the sicker you get ! Best thing to do is to move out right away, more likely to a house ! What you need is clothes, phone, lap top, some sporting goods and off you go. 

Just 3 tough examples about autoimmune diseases. They can be caused by your personal, bad , lifelong choices or external circumstances, like workplace and work itself, a home or a third party construction. It depends on the level and the length of negative exposure and other factors too, but after 2, 3 or even 4 decades of body abuse, cannot be cured, just in a couple of weeks. It will take years, if not a decade, or even more. During a health journey there might be setbacks, flare ups, other roadblocks ! It is normal ! Somebody with a toxic, enlarged and damaged liver might experience bad skin rashes during detox what can be up to 2 years or even more and flare ups later on ! 

All allergens can cause autoimmune diseases, but actually a lot of people are allergic to a type of food, because they are over eating from another type and it destroys their gut and health too. For instance a huge percentage of humans are not allergic to diary ! They are messed up because of enormous grain consumption, and while they state that they are allergic to dairy, in the meantime they consume only highly processed, industrial dairy, paired with other crappy foods like french fries, deep-fried doughnuts and ice cream  !
A 24 months cured and raw Tomme de Savoi is not the same as the 2 days old powder based Emental burnt in 250°C for 20minutes on the top of a pizza ! 
It is the same about eggs or almonds and strawberry ! At the morning people buy GMO eggs, eat it with grain fed bacon and GMO refined bread, with a moldy old pre-ground coffee with white sugar and eat a GMO apple at the end ! After they say, I am allergic to bee sting ! BS, you are just stupid ! There people who never ate a strawberry without sugar or white cream ever ! There are people who never drank spring water ever or had a deep breath in the mountains !
Anyways, any source of gluten, bad quality toxic diary and all highly processed sugars can be a source of problem. 

What to eat ? 
Vegetables and some meat, some fruit and some fish, some nuts and some seeds with some quality oils. What else you need ? Water ! That is my diet with some extra coffee and tea once a day and maybe some quality cheese here and there. No alcohol, cigarette or any processed crap !
Meat means a piece of no-oil cooked, non-fried piece of normal size fresh meat. Not salted cured frozen bacon or sausage. One chicken breast, a slice of ham, a chunk of liver and so !
Vegetables mean non-frozen non starchy green and colourful raw fresh vegetables. Not potatoes, frozen green beans, garbanzo or black bean, peas. Spinach, chard, kale, carrot, tomatoes, celery root and stalks, courgette, pumpkin, nettle, purslain, watercrest, cactus, dandelion greens and rocket, lamb's lettuce, ramson...

External sources of immune suppressors:

  • Heavy Metal exposures from bad plumbing systems or dental fillings and even from personal care items like sunscreens or make up.
  • Toxic mold exposure from bad building constructions or just from humid environments where proper airflow is not present
  • Lifelong chemical exposure from personal care and household cleaning item: tooth paste and mouth wash, make up like eye shades or a rouge,  hand and arm creams, feet and calf creams, face mask and face cream, whole body lotions, hair gels, hair sprays and relaxers and perfumes, shower gels, shampoos, soaps for body and hand, hand sanitizers, dish washers soap and cloth detergents, oven cleaner and grease removal agents, washing up liquid, window cleaning spray and toilet cleaners including the scent releasing tube from that plastic hanger, insecticides against cockroaches and rodents, wall paints and car paints, nail polish and hair-dye, computer screen cleaner...
  • Maybe you just live near a factory with a huge chimney or the gypsies are burning car tires in your proximity, maybe your neighbour is just dirty as !
  • Possibly your farm is exposed to the chemicals from nearby industrial farming
  • Your area can be so chemically infected that even the rain is dangerous and highly toxic
  • Bad quality clothing can make you absorb stuff too 
  • Of course lifelong medication, like contraceptive pills, painkiller abuse, nerve suppressants and digestive pills, anti-acids and acid reflux pills and many others
  • Radiation exposure, from too much mobile telephone time, electric wires hidden in the wall, behind your bed, high voltage wires and week and life long computer exposure, wifi and other radio signals, bluetooth headsets but bad quality earphones too
It is enough. The thing is, that people do not even consider some of these things, like using the same brand of shower gel in the last 25 years while it's killing the microbiom of your skin or being a cleaner for 15years and you are exposed to chemicals all day, every day of your life. It doesn't even come into their mind ! If somebody has a face tumor, make ups, tooth and mouth care products and pillow material is not even considered or cell phone abuse. The doctor only will ask, did you or do you smoke ! We just need to put together the stuff and start thinking. 

Clean your house with vinegar, bicarbonate of soda and maybe some normal bleach if needed. Wash your clothes with washing nuts, bicarbonate of soda and vinegar. You might add some soap made from pig fat, charcoal and some herbal oils or simply glycerin, charcoal and olive oil. Washing your teeth 2 times a day is great, but use a good quality toothpaste at the evening and nothing in the morning. Instead of creams use shae butter, coconut oil and olive oil. Your hair needs to be just cut properly so you can develop your style without any haircare chemicals. Also, your face is freckin' unique ! You don't need a make up, but let your health make you nice and energetic looking. 

Let me share 3 short stories with you
The parents of my wife came on holidays. The mother was so so sick, that she was taking thyroid suppressants for her hyperthyroidism and the doctor was already promising her a radioactive iodine therapy to shut it down ! He said it is normal age related thyroid disorder !
We gave her 2 test weeks to stop taking her medication, eat and live like us, drink a couple of herbal teas and thyroid support herbal infusions 2 times a day, have 1 long or 2 short walks a day and sleep early and long without alarm. We tried to get her off her phone as much as possible too ! Guess what, after just two weeks of eating ,drinking, sleeping normal her blood test were drastically started improving towards the good range. Her doctor asked her, what the hell happened, how come the medication did work that well (what she has not even taken) ? She said, it is great and she feels epic ! The doctor said, okay let's change medication to shock the system even more and get back to normal ! Wtf ? Business as usual ! 
For her it was easy, cause they live a quiet sane life: food, hydration, sleep and movement ! The 4 basics were already enough to trigger positive changes !

On the other hand, in my and my wife's family too, there are a lot of obese and sick people ! All over the place, including brothers and sisters, cousins and parents, uncles and aunts and grand parents...Genetically we should be predisposed too, to be obese and sick ! 
However, genetic disposition, does not exist ! People would say, that I have been sick since I was a baby ! Well, sorry, but your mother was sick before you, when you were in her stomach and when you were a baby, she fed you with non-healthy breast milk and you might developed something very much incurable ! This can happen, life can be crap and selective !
The basic human genome is found in everybody, so the response to quality food, water, movement and sleep will be the same ! In all cases, what I have seen in my life, it never changes ! It is always positive ! 

My mother is here on holidays ! She has been health geek for decades now, but she has her own ideas and unfortunately the literature on Hungarian about health, food, movement, nutrition is not up to date what so ever ! After just one week of listening to me about breathing and posture, nutrition periodisation and no-sugar no grain lifestyle, she is feeling epic ! I mean she felt good before, but now she even feels better ! We did not even get into mobility yet, but her back and hip hurt no more, she reads enormously without her eyes getting tired and she talks and learns French and English fast with her memory getting better ! 

It is not that our lifestyle is perfect, not at all ! I am not saying, that you must do what we are doing ! No, no, no ! It means that when you reach a basic understanding of well being, reach a basic standard, you can actually get into control and fight against autoimmune diseases. You will do your own research and own selfexperimentation ! This is what you have to do, to be ready to a 180° turn, now ! I am always ready ! I restarted a new life already 4 times in 4 different countries, always starting from back pack to house and I changed diet and lifestyle already 3 times, from normal, to 8 years vegan, to high fat majorly plant based with some meat, egg, fish and dairy. I am not afraid of criticism and jealousy, but focus on personal results !


To repeat myself, take care of the 4 basics, then you can start looking for a cure for you autoimmune disease ! Quality diet, hydration and sleep and regular movement ! 
Diet should contain majorly fresh raw vegetables, hydration should contain only quality water without added stuff, sleep should be perfect starting early and waking up with no alarm and finally exercise should be a general active lifestyle with a lot of walking under the sun out in fresh air and some weight lifting, maybe jogging and cycling to start with. 

Diet, hydration, sleep, movement !

I have an autoimmune disease too and it's called seborheic dermatitis (chronic dandruff): I changed diets, I fasted and did many things to cure it, but it did not want to go away. I had it from child hood, from I don't know when, but I had it long. So, actually this is not in my genes, but when I am exposed to certain foods in certain conditions, it can flare up ! For instance eating a high carbohydrate processed meal (rice and hummus for example) after a hard anaerobic training session. Hot showers and un-proper hair care. 
So how do I keep it under control, 100% symptom free ? No itching, no redness, no dandruff ? I use cold showers, I use only quality natural herbal soaps, I dry my scalp even if it was shaved to 0mm with a hairdryer and I apply a small drop of coconut oil ! I eat well, I sleep well and I expose it to sun and sea often enough, that I am 100% symptom free. Of course, if I trained and ate carelessly it would flare up again, but I have a good memory and a good quality life so it stays symptom free !

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